Additional Information

Friday, August 26, 2011


Earlier this year, a fellow writer friend of mine advised I begin networking.  A few of the things networking is good for is getting familiar with the writing business, learning what agents/publishers are looking for, and establishing a fan base.  I considered what my friend said and agreed it would be a smart thing to do.  So I began browsing online writing forums, checking out agent websites, etc.  After a couple months, I joined AbsoluteWrite, which is just awesome.  And, as you have noticed, I am now blogging. 

My goal, though, is to do more than the things I listed above.  I want to get to know other writers.  I want to share in their writing journey and have them share in mine.  Being a writer can be incredibly exciting and sometimes just horribly frustrating, and I don't think people really understand that unless they, too, are writers. 

So if you're a writer, get involved with other writers! Push them, encourage them, learn from them, and allow them to do the same for you.  You won't be sorry.

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